What is "The Constant" in your life?

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Last week, one of the world’s most popular shows finally made its way to Netflix:


I’m excited for more people to discover this show. Because from 2004 to 2010, I tuned into ABC each week to find out what happened to the passengers of Oceanic Flight 815.

Although it didn’t quite land the plane (heyo!) with its final few seasons, few will take umbrage with my belief that one episode in particular was one of the best hours of TV I’ve ever seen:

Season 5’s: “The Constant.”

I won’t spoil it for anybody who hasn’t seen this episode, so I’ll just speak in generalities:

A character finds himself existing within two realities inside his mind, and he’s slipping further and further from real life. It’s only through his “constant,” his girlfriend, that he finds his way back from the brink.

I thought of “The Constant” a lot back in 2011 when I traveled around the world.

For those 18 months, every part of my life was abject chaos: a different hostel every night, a different group of travelers every day, a different country every week or month, and a different place to eat for every meal.

While everything else around me was changing, my workouts became my constant. The thing that kept me sane, and grounded, was finding a place to do my playground workout every other day.

With LOST making its way to Netflix, I was reminded of The Constant again these past few weeks as my travel schedule picked back up.

These days, these are the “constant” things I prioritize through the ups and downs of life:

  • 15-minutes of moving my body.
  • 150 grams of protein + serving of fruits/vegetables.
  • One hour focused on writing in the morning.

I know that no matter where I am, no matter what I have access to, if I prioritize these few things, I feel more grounded and strong and healthy, even if the rest of my schedule is a mess.

I’ve talked a lot about “self-care” lately, and how we often think the solution is external (buying bath bombs or a 90-minute massage), but the reality is often internal: establishing or accepting boundaries, exercise, etc.

What is "The Constant" in YOUR life?

I’d love to hear about your Constant.

When everything feels like a hurricane around you, what are the things you prioritize daily to keep you from floating off into outer space:

  • A 10-minute conversation with your spouse?
  • Going to the gym?
  • Sitting for a quick meditation?
  • Calling your mom?
  • A 5-minute walk?

With the state of the world these days, or the state of your schedule, it’s easy to feel like we’re split between two realities.

Sometimes, when our identity is stolen from us, our “constant” might need to change.

What are the things that keep you tethered to reality?

I’d really love to hear from you.

Hit reply and share with me your constant!


PS: Here’s a fun podcast about how LOST came together at the last minute.

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Hi there. I'm Steve.

I founded Nerd Fitness way back in 2009. Wherever you are coming from, I’m glad you are here. Every week, I send out a short email that’s guaranteed to make you live a tiny bit better, think a little deeper, and overcome the obstacles that get in the way.

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